63 Reviews, Averaging 4.98 Stars!

We helped a nearby customer out with their GE refrigerator which was giving them some issues.
She gave us a call and we were able to set up an appointment the very same day with her.
She asked if we had a service call charge, which we do, but we assured her that we'd take it off of her total once we completed any necessary repairs her refrigerator.
She was glad that we offered this policy to all of our customers.
Based on our diagnostic analysis, we were able to quickly conclude that her GE fridge simple needed a filter drier replacement.
The first thing we did was flush the system since a blockage was in the way at the moment.
From here, we then took off the old filter drier and brazed on the newer one.
We then went on with vacuuming out the system of any remaining air that may have spilled into the system during the process.
Finally, we hooked up and pumped in some new fresh Freon into the refrigerator. After this, our customer’s GE refrigerator was officially all fixed up and ready to go!
That would actually be the Refrigeration Gauge Manifold. This is one of, if not the, most common and well-used device for repairs in any type of unit that involves refrigeration.
The Blue hose and gauge on the left is an Absolute Pressure gauge. It’s also commonly referred to as a Compound gauge, but either term works well.
The valve on this side allows for the hooked up refrigerant tank to enter into the system with which it is connected with.
You’ll notice that the Yellow hose in the center has neither a valve or a gauge. This, in essence, is the neutral line. You can connect a tank to this line to add fresh refrigerant or connect it to a vacuum pump to purge the system of any excess air or moisture.
The Red hose and gauge on the right is what’s know as a Gauge Pressure gauge. This gauge measures the atmospheric pressure that’s actively going through the manifold. Thus, when it’s not hooked up to any pressure gauge system, the accurate measurement should read zero. The valve on this side allows for the high pressure within the system to be released.
It’s beyond important to never have both valves open at once or to have the red right side opens when a refrigerator tank is connected. Doing so can be extremely hazardous, not only to the system but the safety of the surrounding technicians and personal as well. But thankfully, we’re professionals, so we’re always aware of what we’re doing with our customers’ systems at all times.
It’s beyond important to never have both valves open at once or to have the red right side opens when a refrigerator tank is connected.
Doing so can be extremely hazardous, not only to the system but the safety of the surrounding technicians and personal as well.
But thankfully, we’re professionals, so we’re always aware of what we’re doing with our customers’ systems at all times.
We have over 7+ years of experience in fixing appliances and even repairing HVAC.
We've fixed hundreds of units over the years, and we'd love to add yours to our list of fixes.
And yes, we are also a Fully-Licensed and Insured repair business.
Most appliance repair appointments can be scheduled to be within 48 hours.
A majority can be accomplished within 24 hours and many even on the same day!
We work tirelessly to serve our clients quickly and reliably.
It can be a real pain and inconvenience to have a defective refrigerator when you need it.
Food starts to go bad, take out receipts starts to pile up, and you can only eat ramen noodles for so long until you've had enough.
In short, we are your best option to get life back to normal quickly and without a callback.
When you choose CJ Appliance Repair for any of your repair needs, you won't just become a satisfied customer, you'll become a part of our family as well.
We believe that we can change the face of the appliance repair industry one customer at a time, at that starts with the little things all the way up to the big things.
We're here to help, and we'll show you why we love what we do.
Call Us Today!
Yes. BUT, if you choose to have us do the repair we waive the diagnostic service fee.
You will receive premium service and care, plus we'll help you know exactly what is wrong with your appliance.
From there you can let us repair it or you may choose to purchase a new appliance based on the expert information we will provide.